Shining Tree

Key Facts

120km north of Sudbury, Ontario
Co, Ag, Au, Cu, Ni
Current Exploration Activities:
Exploration – Target Generation & Drilling Stage
Mineral Resources:
Mining & Processing Concept:


The Shining Tree project exhibits potential for both the high-grade Five-Element vein style hosted within, or proximal to, the Nipissing Diabase as well as the McAra style Five-Element vein deposits.

Early exploration in the Shining Tree Central area started in 1908, focusing mainly on silver and resulting in several discoveries between 1909 and 1912. Chip and grab sampling by various prospectors in the 1990s and early 2000s returned values as high as 7.04% Cobalt, 555g/t Silver, and 4.32% Copper.

In 2018 - 2019 BMR completed a series of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling traverses focused on the historic workings and previous sampling results. During the winter of 2019, a grid based geophysical (Induced Polarization) survey was completed that identified a number of high chargeability targets. Then, in the fall 2020, a limited trenching and outcrop stripping/washing program followed by rock sampling identified a number of narrow, mineralized vein structures on the Caswell-Eplett showing. This was followed by drilling campaigns comprising 1 hole in March 2019 (program terminated due to Covid crisis) and ten diamond drill holes totaling 1875 meters in February and March 2021.

Historical Background

Early exploration on the Shining Tree property began in 1908 focusing primarily on Silver and resulted in the discoveries of three types of mineralization: Five-Element style Silver-Cobalt veins, quartz vein and shear-hosted Gold as well as Algoma-type iron formation.

Of the three historic shafts within Shining Tree Central, the Coulee/Silver Pack, Neelands and Caswell-Eplett, the Caswell-Eplett shaft proved to be the most prospective.

Historic exploration included mechanical stripping and rock sampling of the shaft area in 1993 exposing a series of carbonate and/or quartz-carbonate veins hosting Smaltite and Chalcopyrite. Channel sampling across the zone yielded high Cobalt numbers ranging from 0.16% to 6.6% Cobalt while 12 rock grab samples collected from the stripped area include 7.04% Cobalt, 4.32% Copper and 0.59% Nickel.

From 2007 to 2009, another stripping and sampling program over the Caswell-Eplett shaft area was undertaken. Ten areas were stripped and 25 rock grab samples collected yielding significant assays ranging from 0.16% to 2.79% Cobalt and 1.45% to 3.33% Copper with a peak silver value of 555g/t Silver.

Geology & Mineralization

The property is underlain by Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Gowganda Formation and the mafic intrusive Nipissing Diabase. The Gowganda Formation unconformably overlies Archean basement in the north-east corner of the claim block consisting of intercalated mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks with minor interbeds of metasediments and banded iron formation.

Current Exploration

After acquiring the Shining Tree property BMR undertook airborne magnetics and radiometric surveys in 2016 along with a LIDAR topography survey in 2018.

The airborne magnetics survey clearly defines the Nipissing Diabase while the LIDAR data pinpoints the historic workings and surficial work.

The Shining Tree project is located within a regional scale fault system that is spatially associated with the nearby Juby gold deposit and the gold deposits in the Swayze belt including the Côté deposit both located to the west of the project area.

To date, BMR’s exploration focused in the Shining Tree Central area with historic Cobalt occurrences.

Prospecting done in the summers of 2018 and 2019 by BMR coupled with a 2019 3D Induced Polarization ground survey and 2020 mechanical stripping of the Caswell-Eplett shaft area generated several drill targets.

 BMR completed a limited drill program in 2020- 2021 comprising 11 holes totaling 2,159.32m.

Target generation and ground follow-up work is on-going.

Technical Report

February 5, 2021: Technical Report on Cobalt Exploration Assets in Canada prepared for Battery Mineral Resource Corp. prepared by SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc.